TWIST Education has been selected to partner with the Foundation of Global Community Health to deliver new children’s products for the United Nations and their Smart Cities Agenda.

TWIST Education reverse engineers from how the brain and body communicate to devise exercise methods that improve kinaesthetic .intelligence. Integrating the complexities of neuroscience and neuromotor learning with physics and biomechanics, we’ve organized a Training System with simple exercise guidelines, principles and progressions everyone can learn.
TWIST is on a mission to set coaches, trainers and health enthusiasts up for success building specialized full-time and side-hustle careers that help themselves, family members and their clients improve 3D movement skills, brain performance, physique and mindset – all in one program!

We are committed to helping you overcome difficult setbacks and improve to the height of your greatest aspirational goals Our education culture shares like-minded passion for active healthy lifestyles and sport excellence. We mentor the characteristics of good energy and instill the empowerment of ‘I’, along with a shift in perspective from ‘me to we’.
We are in this together! Collaboration is the way to healthy us and healthy planet. From youth physical literacy to Olympic gold medals, around the globe full-time and part-time TWIST Specialists are certified in the most forward thinking and science based methods to express skillful athletic action and the 3D functional patterns for an active healthy lifestyle.
Our body is our human vehicle and run by our brain. Creating coaching methods with that in mind, results in a Training System we are certain you’ll find epiphanies in and carry it forward as part of your personal practice.